Three Ways to Keep Cattle Healthy in Winter

Three Ways to Keep Cattle Healthy in Winter

If you are new to farming life, there are several things you should know to keep the cattle healthy. Intense winter can be challenging for cattle as they can have trouble maintaining milk production and putting on weight. Also, cold weather means that battles will feel stressed as they go on with their daily activities.

Here are some effective ways to ensure the well-being of your cattle – even in harsh weather conditions.

Build a Barn

If you don’t have a bar for your cattle yet – make sure to get the best lumber and have it ready before the harsh weather kicks in. When building a barn for the animals, there are several things you should consider:

  • Electricity
  • Layout of space
  • Lighting
  • Natural lighting
  • Non-slip floor installation
  • Water system
  • Drainage system
  • Proper ventilation
  • Manure management

While cattle can survive outdoors, the onset of harsh weather calls for shelter, and by building a barn from scratch that is spacious enough to house your animals, you can ensure that your cattle stay healthy throughout the coldest season of the year.

Water Availability

To ensure the cattle stay healthy in winter, make sure they get enough water and stay hydrated in the winter season. Believe us when we tell you that most animals get dehydrated during the winter. Why – you might ask? Well, the answer is as simple as this: water sources can freeze or become unavailable due to snow and ice.

According to science, cattle require up to two gallons of water for every 100 pounds of their weight. You get the point – water is an as important resource the cattle need as they need it in the summer. Your cattle cannot lick sow to make up for their water needs.

Also, dehydrated cattle are at a greater risk for colic, which is why you must integrate a proper water system to ensure that the cattle are well-hydrated.

Food Availability

As a farmer, you should know why your cattle might get cold in the winter. The underlying reason is that the cattle might not get enough food, which is why it is essential to integrate a proper cattle feeding system for your cattle to ensure they are well-fed during the coldest season of the year.

Without enough food, the cattle won’t feel energetic, and without energy, the cattle won’t be able to create sufficient body heat to keep them healthy in winter. On that note, when it comes to feeding your cattle in winter, you can switch to feed with more nutrients, including protein and fat.

Also, avoid scattering food, such as hay, on the ground, as 50% of it will remain uneaten and go to waste. The better option would be to use a hay feeder or similar feeding sources to ensure your cattle are well-fed without pushing the animals to wait for their turn.

The Takeaway

Running a farm is an all-year business, but you need to be more mindful about the winter season as your cattle can struggle without shelter and the right food and water system. Also, make sure to avoid mud in the winter by adding gravel to the muddy area.

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