Concrete is a really solid block in the Minecraft game and is primarily used for decorative purposes. It comes in a variation of 16 different colors and is also non-flammable in nature. If you want to add some spice to your buildings and make them appear more aesthetically appealing then Concrete blocks are the way to go.
In this article, I will be discussing “how to make concrete in Minecraft” and more. Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about the same!
First And Foremost: Obtaining The Ingredients!

Before getting started with creating Concrete blocks, you must build Concrete Powder blocks first. The ingredients required to make Concrete Powder blocks are – Sand, Dye, and Gravel.
In this section of the article, I will be discussing the ways you can obtain them first. If you already happen to have all of the ingredients with you, then you can skip ahead to the next section to get to know about the steps to crafting it.
The recipe for creating Concrete Powder requires Sand as an ingredient. When it comes to numbers, it requires x4 units of Sand at once. To obtain this, you can choose to dig up some Sand by using a shovel.
The best place to find a lot of Sand is in the Desert biome. Or you could generally find sand underwater or even near water source blocks sometimes. After you are done digging some Sand, pick up the floating blocks, and add them to your inventory.
Keep reading just a bit more to find out information about how to make Concrete in Minecraft!
Getting Dye is a necessity for making Concrete Blocks. Adding x1 Dye to your Concrete Powder is going to make it possible to craft vibrant-colored Concrete. As for where you can get it from — they can be obtained from any wandering trader. Or you could choose to craft them from plants/flowers to make your dye.
For instance, you might be wondering how to make black Concrete in Minecraft? To make the black color you can use x2 Ink Sacs, with which you can make black-colored Concrete. This can be done by going underwater and killing two Squids.
Tip: How to make white Concrete in Minecraft? To make white Concrete you are going to need to make white dye first. For making white dye you could either use a lily of the valley flower or a bonemeal. |
You are going to need x4 Gravel blocks for being able to produce x8 Concrete Powder. The best place to find Gravel is in extreme hilly regions. There you are going to get entire mountains made of Gravel. Or, you could also get them underwater and dig them from there.
If you happen to choose the latter path for obtaining Gravel then it is recommended that you make use of Shovel for digging them.
Steps Of Crafting Concrete In Minecraft

Here is a list of steps that you are required to follow for crafting Concrete in the game:
Step 1: Open Your Crafting Table
First of all, you are going to need to open up your crafting table for creating Concrete.
Step 2: Place The Ingredients
The base of creating Concrete is Concrete Powder. To make Concrete Powder you need to place 4 Sand, 1 Dye, and 4 Gravel in the Crafting Table. Also do note the fact that Concrete Powder is shapeless. Hence, you can place the aforementioned ingredients in any way that you want – on the Crafting Table.
Doing so is going to create 8 units of Concrete Powder.
Step 3: Find A Water Source
Concrete Powder requires a water source to be able to morph it into Concrete. Find any type of waterlogged block, water source block, or flowing water block for the successful execution of the process.
Step 4: Place The Powder Block In Water
After you have located a water source, you need to place the Concrete Powder block into the water. Then you are going to hear the sound of the Concrete Powder block solidifying into becoming a Concrete block.
Step 5: Use Your Shiny New Concrete Block
Now that you have successfully created a Concrete block, you are going to be able to place it wherever you like!
Tip: If you have misplaced the Concrete Block somewhere you did not want to put it, then you are going to have to mine it with a pickaxe. |
Top 5 Uses Of Concrete In Minecraft

Concrete is considered to be one of the most popular building materials in the game of Minecraft. Here is a list of the top 5 uses of Concrete in the game:
#1 Building Structures
Concrete is considered to be more sturdy than stone, but also at the same time this block has a lower blast resistance in Minecraft. This just means that a Creeper would be very easily able to blow your house away if you make it with Concrete.
#2 Decorating Purposes
Concrete is considered to be a very popular block for decorating walls, floors, and roofs. It is also considered to be a great option to select for doing modern architecture-inspired buildings.
#3 Making Bridges
Concrete Powder can be used for making bridges over water. Concrete powder generally turns to solid Concrete as soon as it comes into contact with a water source – so it is going to be very easy to use.
#4 Making Floating Blocks
If you are thinking of crafting something clever like floating lights then concrete would be the best block to use. To make it, just stack concrete blocks atop each other and then place light torches on all sides of it. After which you can click on and destroy the remaining blocks which are piled underneath. This is going to create a floating light source for you.
#5 Using Them As Note Blocks
Concrete blocks can also be made use of and be placed under the note blocks for playing music. The blocks of Concrete Powder can easily change the instrument of note blocks to drums.
To Wrap It Up!
It is recommended that you do not make your base wholly out of Concrete blocks only as they have a really low blast resistance capability. Use them sparsely to decorate your base area but do not make the whole operation out of it.
Thank you for reading up till the end of the article. I hope you found the information about “how to make concrete in Minecraft” useful.
Key Takeaways : Concrete is a really popular block in Minecraft and is mainly used for decorative purposes. To create a Concrete block, you need to craft a Concrete Powder block first. To mine Concrete blocks you need a pickaxe tool. Concrete blocks have a low blast resistance/can be blown away by Creepers really easily. |
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