What Does Smite Do In Minecraft?

Smite In Minecraft

Using the Smite enchantment increases the amount of damage that Minecraft players deal to the undead mobs. By making use of this enchantment on swords/axe, players can k-word the mobs quickly by giving less number of strikes. 

In this article, we will be discussing “What does Smite do in Minecraft” and more. Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about the same!

What Is Smite Enchantment In Minecraft?

Still, wondering what does the Smite enchantment do in Minecraft exactly? Well, the Smite enchantment increases a player’s attack damage against all the undead mobs of the game like – skeletons, zombies, wither bosses, zombified piglins, drowned’s’ and skeletons. 

A player also has the option of adding the Smite enchantment to any of the axe/sword tools by making use of an anvil, enchanting table, or game command. 


The Smite enchantment has five levels in total that can be applied to both axes and swords. After the first stage, the subsequent level of damage only keeps increasing by 2.5m till the fifth level.

Keep reading till the end of the article to find out information about the best enchantments to put on an axe/sword in the game!

Sharpness Vs Smite: Which Enchantment Is Best Used On Sword?

Sharpness Vs Smite
image source:- http://tinyurl.com/3dpurjdp

Sharpness enchantment is not considered to be as effective as Smite and also does less damage when both of them are compared. Even then, there are a lot of players who say that Sharpness is the best enchantment to get out there.

The Smite enchantment is something that is only known to be effective against the undead mobs and won’t be useful against other mobs like Ender Dragon, Spiders, etc. But Sharpness stands effective against all kinds of mobs that are out there in the game.

Hence, the enchantment of Sharpness is definitely the one that is recommended for use on your sword, as you cannot have both at once. 

Tip: What does Smite do in Minecraft PC? Well, for the Bedrock version of the game as well Smite enchantment only increases the amount of damage that can be put on mobs. 

Best Sword Enchantments

Best Sword Enchantments
image source:- http://tinyurl.com/m7uuwtb3

You have to agree that the sword is the best weapon for k-wording mobs in Minecraft. But at times, it feels a bit lacking when attacking the more powerful mobs. Here’s where sword enchantments come into play!

By putting the most effective sword enchantments in Minecraft you are going to be able to defeat any kind of mob that comes at you easily. Here is a list of some of the best enchantments for sword Minecraft that you can choose to put on:

#1 Knockback

Knockback is the effect by which the mobs get pushed back when attacked by the sword that has this enchantment. Putting this enchantment on the sword is going to increase the knockback effect by 190%. 

#2 Fire Aspect

This is yet another sword enchantment that works amazingly in making damage to mobs. Hitting an enemy with this sword is going to set them on fire. But you also need to keep in mind that not every kind of mob is going to die due to them being set on fire. You have to keep hitting them repeatedly to fully eliminate them. 

#3 Unbreaking

Unbreaking is also another popular enchantment that can be applied to almost all in-game items (which have durability). When applied this enchantment increases the durability of the sword and makes it last longer. 

#4 Looting

Hitting mobs after applying this enchantment on the sword is going to make sure that they drop even more items than usual. You might get rare items when hitting mobs after using this enchantment as well. 

#5 Bane Of Arthropods

Arthropods refer to animals that have exoskeletons. Hence, just like the name suggests this particular enchantment increases the amount of damage that a sword causes to all of the arthropod mobs. A few of these mobs are – endermites, spiders, bees, cave spiders, and silverfishes.

Best Axe Enchantments

Best Axe Enchantment
image source:- http://tinyurl.com/mtmyvfmj

Axe is the next best thing in Minecraft, whether it be food chopping down things, or giving damage to mobs. It is a very handy tool overall and can be further enhanced by adding enchantments to it. 

Here is a list of some of the top axe enchantments that you can put in Minecraft:

#1 Efficiency

What does Smite in Minecraft do absolutely in comparison to the Efficiency enchantment in Minecraft? This is one of the best enchantments to have on an axe. It will make gathering resources much faster and save you time. The enchantment allows the player to break target blocks much faster.

#2 Mending

Mending is another great enchantment that is better put on an axe in Minecraft. This enchantment puts your gained experience points to use for repairing tools (axe) in this case. 

In other words, when an item has mending, any of the experience that you collected, automatically gets to repair the item – which the enchantment is put on. 

#3 Silk Touch

Having this enchantment on your axe will make sure that you are able to mine blocks in their original form. 

#4 Sharpness

If you want to use your axe for killing only then make sure to put this enchantment on it. Using this enchantment on your axe is going to make sure that great damage is done to the mobs that you hit it with. 

#5 Chopping

This is an upcoming feature in the game of Minecraft, it is a brand new enchantment which is called Chopping.

One thing to note about this is the fact that it is still in its testing stages for the Java version of the Minecraft game. 

Using this enchantment on your axe is going to effectively increase your attack damage with an axe. 

To Wrap It Up!

Make sure to consider the enchantments that I have discussed in the article above when playing the game Minecraft. They are going to ease your overall gameplay experience for you.

Thank you for reading up till the end of this article. I hope you found the information regarding “what does smite do in Minecraft” to be useful.

Also Continue Reading.

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